FAQ about SiliconVault SMTP/POP3 Email Hosting

  • What is SiliconVault Email Hosting? Is it better than other free emails?

    SiliconVault Email Hosting is different from any other web-based free email services. It is designed for high-end users, professionals and businesses. You can use popular email client applications such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express to access SiliconVault email. You can keep your emails on the web or download to your local PC; you can create multiple email accounts for your organization and have virtually unlimited email box sizes; you can also configure high-end enterprise features such as private domain emails, auto reply, auto forward, email aliases and mailing list, etc.

  • How do I get started with SiliconVault email?
  • What is the maximum email box size and the maximum email size?
  • Is it possible to email a very large file, say a 200MB file?
  • I have a small business with 10 employees. Can I get 10 email addresses?
  • What are the most frequent problems our users experience?
  • Can I use SiliconVault email for sending spam emails?
  • Can I access SiliconVault email from multiple computers (using Outlook)?
  • How can I create my own domain email accounts?
  • Do you offer any email backup software?
  • Do I need to install any client software to access SiliconVault email?
  • Can I set email rules and email filters?
  • Is the service really free?